Learning Lab

two pupils and a teacher building a model car

Learning Lab from Glasgow Science Centre provides time-saving resources and experiences that support curriculum outcomes in science, technologies, numeracy and literacy. 

Learning Lab is a unique  STEM programme that  supports teachers and inspires students through varied learning experiences  that take place over several weeks. Each programme  comprises  lesson plans, worksheets, video content and  interactions with experts  as well as professional learning and homework activities

The curriculum-linked content is delivered by class teachers with step-by-step resources and ongoing support from Learning Lab staff.  Classroom learning is enhanced by a free visit to Glasgow Science Centre or a  visit from On Tour. 

To register interest, please email us at [email protected] with details of your name, school, class and the Learning Lab topic.

Click to view our Learning Lab experiences for: Early Level | First Level | Second Level | Third Level

Early Level

  • A new Learning Lab is coming in April 2025 for Pre-School to P1 learners and teachers.

Marvellous Me

Through activities and play, learners will discover how to keep their body healthy and investigate their senses! Learners will explore what their body can do, and how it grows over time.

Suggested duration: 6 weeks
Cost: Very limited free places available
Next start date: 6th May 2025 CLPL at 4pm

First Level

Perfect for P2 to P4 learners and teachers.

The Air We Breathe

Through hands-on activities, learners will explore how we breathe and gain an understanding of how our bodies defend us against air pollution. Learners will make their own mucus, complete lung puzzles and mazes, and become air detectives!

• Suggested duration: 4 weeks
• Cost: Very Limited free places available
• Next start date: 28th April 2025 at CLPL at 4pm

Space Discovery

Takes pupils on an exhilarating journey from the basics of our solar system to space exploration with hands-on activities!

• Suggested duration: 6 weeks
• Next start date: This learning lab will be back in the next school year

Second Level

Perfect for P5 to P7 learners and teachers.


Explore the science behind human health and wellbeing. Through exploration of different body systems, learners will discover:

• What we all have in common
• The differences that make us unique
• What influences our health and wellbeing
• Watch a lung dissection, make their own intestines and meet a real healthcare scientist!

Activities support second level experiences and outcomes in Biological Systems and Health & Wellbeing.

• Suggested duration: 8 weeks
• Cost: Very Limited free places available
• Next start date: 23rd April 2025 - CLPL at 4pm

Castle CSI

Uncover famous Scottish castles using scientific techniques. Pupils will become forensic scientists, and piece together clues about a mystery skeleton and investigate soil erosion and weathering.

• Discover how climate change affects our historic sites
• Solve the mystery of unknown remains using forensic data
• Complete hands-on activities

The programme covers second level outcomes in Social Studies, Health & Wellbeing, and Sciences.

• Suggested duration: 5-6 weeks
• Next start date: This learning lab will be back in the next school year

Powering The Future

Exploring the future of energy. Pupils will investigate renewables technologies and the pathway to net zero and will discover opportunities in the energy sector and explore how their skills could change the world.

• Unique hands-on activities
• Group discussions
• Meeting professionals from the energy industry

This Learning Lab supports curriculum outcomes across Sciences, Social Studies and Technologies.

• Suggested duration: 8 weeks
• Cost: Limited free places available
• Next start date: 30th April 2025 - CLPL at 4pm

Renewables Challenge

Exploring energy production. Learners will build their understanding of carbon neutral, renewable energy sources and career opportunities in the field. Pupils will work together to design an innovative solution to power their school using renewable energy!

• Suggested duration: 3-4 weeks
• Next start date: This learning lab will be back in the next school year

Out of this World

Launch your pupils into orbit with our interactive activities that explore Scotland's growing space industry.

Investigate the new technologies that are enabling space exploration and discover how humans could live in space!

• Suggested duration: 8 weeks
• Next start date: This learning lab will be back in the next school year

Third Level

Perfect for S1 to S2 learners and teachers.

Powering the Future

Exploring the future of energy. Pupils will investigate renewables technologies and the pathway to net zero. Along the way, they will discover opportunities in the energy sector and explore how their skills could change the world.

The content is ideal for encouraging STEM subject choices and supporting third and fourth level outcomes in Science, Technologies and Social Studies including an opportunity to meet professionals from Scotland’s growing STEM industries.

• Suggested duration: 4-6 weeks
• Cost: Limited free places available
• Next start date: 1st May 2025 - CLPL at 4pm

Scotland in Space

Celebrating the innovative spirit in all of us and how that spirit can change the world.

Supporting young people to investigate the science behind rocket and satellite technology, applications of satellite data, and recognise the opportunities available in Scotland’s growing space industry. 

• Suggested duration: 4-6 weeks
• Next start date: This learning lab will be back in the next school year

Learning Lab FAQs

What is Learning Lab about?

8-week programmes for P1 – S2 bringing excellent STEM learning to the classroom. 

With a range of topics to choose from, each Learning Lab programme is anchored in the curriculum and includes hands-on activities, home learning, a science centre visit, and the opportunity to meet a practising scientist or engineer.  Aligned with CfE experiences and outcomes, Learning Lab supports teachers to deliver amazing science in the classroom.  

A diagram showing the audiences for GSC Learning Lab


Learning Lab  aims to inspire and empower young people by putting them at the centre of their own learning.  The programme  provides  a variety of learning experiences including videos, practical activities and interviews with STEM professionals and homework, which provide opportunities for pupils to work together to solve problems, to build their own narrative  and  to develop social, practical and scientific thinking skills. 

With a range of relevant STEM topics to choose from, each quality-assured and curriculum-linked programme is delivered by teachers over several weeks, with step-by-step resources and ongoing support provided by Science Centre staff. 

Contributions from real world STEM professionals offer inspiration and context for learners and each  programme culminates with an element that celebrates pupils’ learning and achievements. 


Diagram showing the key areas of learning in GSC learning Lab


Who takes part in learning Lab?

Since 2020, over 2,000 teachers and 56,000 pupils across Scotland have taken part in Learning Lab. It’s an exciting way for pupils to explore hands-on science, meet inspirational professionals, and discover that we are all scientists.

What do educators get when taking part in Learning Lab?

Following a twilight CLPL session, teaching resources will be provided via MS Teams or Google Classroom. Suggested teaching time is 2 hours/week. The Learning Lab team will be on hand to provide support and answer questions throughout. Subsidies or funded places may be available for certain topics and for eligible schools.

  • Twilight professional learning
  • Lesson plans & worksheets
  • Original video content
  • Live interviews with scientists and engineers
  • Homework activities
  • A science centre visit

How do I register to take part in a Learning Lab?

You can email us to register your interest in a Learning Lab.

Please include in your email details of your name, school, class and the Learning Lab topic.

How much does Learning Lab participation cost?

Thanks to generous support from our partners, many programmes are free to access, with transport subsidies available to reduce bus costs for science centre visits.

Who funds Learning Lab?

Glasgow Science Centre works with a fantastic range of partners and funders to deliver our STEM Learning Pathway experiences including Learning Lab.

These resources made teaching STEM much easier and all children thoroughly enjoyed exploring each module.

Learning Lab Teacher

My favourite thing about Learning Lab is the video calls because I liked seeing a real scientist.

Pupil participating in Learning Lab

The Learning Lab has been an excellent opportunity for Glasgow City Council schools…The content  is  relevant, engaging and mapped to Curriculum for Excellence which has allowed for easy integration into the classroom. The content challenges pupils to apply their skills and understanding to real-life contexts and supports teachers to deliver high-quality learning experiences.

Glasgow City Council Education Department

I would like to say a huge thank you to all the people who make these Learning Labs possible. The children take great pleasure from these lessons and are gifted with an abundance of knowledge and understanding of STEM.

Learning Lab Teacher


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