Animal Kingdom - IMAX 3D U

  • BBFC Rating


  • IMAX

  • Tickets Required

    £3.50 add on per person to a Science Mall

Animal Kingdom 3D is a spectacular adventure where we meet the six fascinating families of the Animal Kingdom. It's a fun and educational film that introduces family audiences to the creatures that keep the planet ticking just as it should.

- Take flight with the Family of the Birds who rule the skies
- Get busy with the insects who work hard behind the scenes
- Dive into oceans and coral reefs as we meet the family of the fish
- Open your eyes to cold blooded world of the reptiles and amphibians
- And get moving with the mammals as we meet the mightiest families in the Animal Kingdom.

Video Duration: 2m 9s

When is this on?

Today 11:30
Friday 24th January 13:00
Saturday 25th January 13:00
Sunday 26th January 13:00