Dr Stephen Breslin and Caroline Bysh

Partnership with Glasgow Caledonian University to tackle social inequality

A new civic partnership between Glasgow Science Centre and Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) and aims to enhance science literacy, skills development, and reduce social inequality in Glasgow and beyond.

Under the new agreement, the Science Centre will showcase the University’s research and researchers, helping them to reach and communicate to a much wider audience, including the huge numbers of people that visit the Science Centre each year. The University’s research – covering health, business and engineering – will become more embedded in, and responsive to, the communities it serves.  

The close partnership will also help build the city and nation’s science skills base and promote greater community engagement and awareness of the importance of research.

Both organisations will share their knowledge and expertise, resources, data and technology to support initiatives to benefit local communities.

The collaboration will start with the creation of themed experiences at the Science Centre based on areas of the University’s research, showcasing Glasgow Caledonian staff and students in their areas of specialism, and demonstrating how both organisations are delivering shared benefits for communities.

Over time, future developments could include joint grant submissions for science and research projects benefiting communities, additional investment into the creation of major exhibits and expanding outreach activities. An oversight group will be set up to agree success criteria, monitor progress and explore areas for future development.

Chief Executive Officer at Glasgow Science Centre Dr Stephen Breslin said:

“At Glasgow Science Centre, we value the strong relationships we have with our university partners and look forward to working with Glasgow Caledonian University in our new civic partnership to create further opportunities for STEM engagement.

“Our collaboration with Glasgow Caledonian University will allow us to bring leading edge research in STEM to the public, enrich our engagement programmes, and strengthen our STEM communities in both Glasgow and Scotland.”

Glasgow Caledonian’s Pro Vice-Chancellor of Engagement Caroline Bysh, who developed this key partnership on behalf of the University, said: 

“We’re delighted to enter into this fantastic new partnership. The experience and expertise of the Science Centre, working closely with our staff and student researchers, will really bring the University’s research, engagement and community benefits alive. It will really support our researchers’ abilities and skills to communicate their research more effectively and to a much wider audience.

“It will also help to demonstrate how the University and Science Centre are dedicated to improving life in our great city, improving science literary, growing the science skills base, and by making a real difference to the issues and problems faced by our communities right now.”


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