Pupils exploring electricity at interactive exhibits

On Tour for Schools

Glasgow Science Centre On Tour offers interactive STEM activities delivered in schools to enhance classroom learning. We have two programmes Bodyworks On Tour and Powering the Future on Tour offering curriculum-linked experiences for pupils in P1-S3. 

On Tour visits are subsidised by our partners and will cost you only £300 + VAT for a full day of activities. We can deliver a maximum of 5 sessions in a Primary School day and 6 sessions in a High School day. All we need is step-free access to your school hall (or similar open space) and access to power. Our team will work with you to plan the visit to fit around your school day. 

You can choose from the following programmes and activities. 

Bodyworks On Tour: P1-S2

Journey Through My Body Show: P1-P3

Follow your food's journey through the amazing body. Find out where and how food travels through the body and the importance of diet and making healthy choices. CFE: Biological Systems, Health and Wellbeing 

Disgusting Digestion Show: P4-S2

Follow your food's journey through the amazing body. Find out where and how food travels through the body and the importance of diet and making healthy choices. CFE: Biological Systems

Bodyvision Exhibit Session: P1-S2

Participants will get hands-on with a range of engaging anatomy-themed exhibits. They will address topics like cardiovascular fitness, body composition and the effects of lifestyle choices like smoking. CFE: Biological Systems

 A girl inflates a set of lungs at an interactive exhibit

Go Oxygen Go Show: P1-P3

On your marks, get set, go and investigate our very busy bodies. This show will have the whole class getting active while learning about oxygen's role in a healthy body! CFE: Biological Systems, Health and Wellbeing 

Get Active Show: P4 - S2

What happens to your body when you exercise? Why does it hurt? Find out when you get up and get active with us. CFE: Biological Systems, Health and Wellbeing

Fitlab Exhibit Session: P1-S2

Your pupils can explore their endurance, power, agility, speed and coordination through a range of zoned exhibits. They will be invited to become scientist and subject in a personalised investigation designed to test their limits. CFE: Biological Systems, Health and Wellbeing 

Powering the Future On Tour: P5-S3

Powering the Future Exhibit Session: P5-S3

Participants will get hands-on with a range of engaging energy-themed exhibits. They will address topics like energy supply and use with a focus on affordability, security and environmental sustainability. Pupils can explore these interactive hands-on exhibits and our future energy options – from how we can produce electricity and fuels to how we can be smarter with our use of energy. CFE: Topical Science, Planet Earth, Technologies

Future Fuels Show: P5-S3

Join us on an exciting mission to explore how we could generate power in the future. Pupils will learn about the different types of energy sources, including fossil fuels and renewables, and the ways that these can be harnessed to create energy. CFE: Topical Science, Planet Earth, Technologies

Bookings are now open!

Contact us for more information or to book at [email protected]

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