Partnering up to RAISE the profile of STEAM opportunities

Partnerships with other science centres and institutions are something that Glasgow Science Centre is really proud of, and so we wanted to take a moment to highlight our most recent example of working closely with others to deliver shared objectives.
We are excited to be partner organisation in a project called Raising Awareness and Interest in STEAM Employment (RAISE for short). This is a three year project funded through Erasmus+ which includes Esplora Interactive Science Centre, Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Luxembourg Science Centre, Hiša Ekpserimentov, Sissa MediaLab and Glasgow Science Centre.
Working together we are taking part in a number of different projects, including science communication training, job shadowing and the creation of learning resources which can be used throughout Europe.
In June 2018, GSC hosted a job shadowing experience for the other partners, showcasing the work that we do and providing training on our way of delivering STEM engagement for schools and families.
Since then we have been very busy, with learning coordinators Sam and Susan travelling to Ljubljana, Slovenia in September to meet up with the project team at Hiša. This was a productive two days where we made plans for the next part of the project that GSC is involved in.
Sam also recently attended a Science Communication training event in Trieste, Italy alongside our gallery manager Francine and science communicator Neil. This was a fantastic opportunity to share best practice and hear from a number of professionals from science centres and institutions across Europe.

This included University of Galway, staff from Copernicus in Warsaw and a number of researchers based at Sissa MediaLab in Trieste. "Destereotyping Stereotypes in STEAM careers" requires all partner organisations to create resources which can remove stereotypes associated with careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and the arts.
Over the next four months, Sam will be developing these resources alongside science communicators Jennifer and Neil, in time for the next transnational meeting in March at Esplora, Malta.
Thanks to Sam for contributing this post to the GSC blog.
Visit the RAISE website for more on the project that aims to raise awareness and interest in STEAM employment.