Making 'Connections' to raise awareness of epilepsy

The countdown to Curiosity Live at Glasgow Science Centre is well and truly on! As we approach the event, we're sharing a taste of what you can expect from our incredible range of specialists and their activities. This week, we invited Colleen Wilson, an Education and Outreach Worker on the Epilepsy Connections Schools Project, to tell us about their fantastic "Connections" activities.
Colleen writes...
"Epilepsy Connections’ Schools Project is taking its message out of the classroom and into Glasgow Science Centre throughout the 3 days of the Curiosity Live event.
Join us in our exploration of the human brain, learn how the brain communicates with the body, and the role that neurons play in sending and receiving messages. Find out more about seizures, when there is disruption to the messages neurons send and receive.
Seizures can affect or alter a person’s consciousness, behaviour, emotion, motor function, perception or sensation.
Do you know what to do if someone has a seizure? We’ll have information on recognising seizures, and what to do, with great short animation films.
Explore and discover more about the brain with Epilepsy Connections, and take part in the activities we have planned, including 3-D brain models to assemble, craft activities of making pipe cleaner neuron models and 3-D brain hats, and the collaborative knitting of a brain hat. We will also have neuron message games, quizzes and puzzles to challenge your own knowledge of the brain, epilepsy and seizures.
So, whether you are coming to Curiosity Live as part of a school visit, or with the family over the weekend, come and say hello and join us on Floor 3 of the Science Mall."

Our thanks to Collen from Epilepsy Connections for her blog post contribution. Epilepsy Connections will be at Curiosity Live on the 9th, 10th and 11th November. You can follow their work as @epilepsyconnexn on Twitter.
Look out for more exciting insight into our Curiosity Live experts over the coming weeks both here and on our social media channels using #GSCCuriosityLive.